HANDOUTS AND RELEVANT READING MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT: http://rsucivilengineering.weebly.com/online-resources/seminar-on-earthquake-engineering-and-disaster-risk-management-22-august-2019
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HANDOUTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD. Each of this handout include the instructions for the Assignment, including the date of submission.
Please visit the website on a regular basis to get updates, recent news and announcement and other relevant information about the course. If you have queries, please do not hesitate to post your comments in the course bar link found at the top of the website. Please read the syllabus of the course for the course coverage and requirements towards the completion of the course. Please read the required textbook by Paler-Calmorin and Calmorin (2007) to augment our class discussions. A number of copies of the book is available in the library. Explore the available online resources shared in the website such as NDLTD, CENGAGE Learning, and Sci-Hub to have access to free journal articles and other sources of information relevant to your proposed research topics. AS WE HAVE DISCUSSED DURING THE CLASS THIS WEEK, the following reminders should be taken seriously towards timely submission of your research outputs.
(1) Bring your own personal e-copy or hard copy student of the Research Report Writing Guidebook. This will be inspected randomly every meeting. (2) For those groups who will continue their research proposals submitted in Research 1, finalize it and incorporate the comments and suggestions that mentioned during the class such as: citation, APA referencing (reflect the links of the websites or digital object identifier links (doi) where the journal articles were retrieved). Be consistent in text citation and the list of references. Be reminded of the minimum of 2 journal articles and one (1) thesis as references, but are encourage to included more reference materials that are relevant to the group's topic. Submit the revised version of the proposal on or before 16 August 2019, Friday). (3) For those groups who will change their research proposals, your group should prepare Chapters 1-3. Chapter 2: Related Review of Literature should be submitted on or before 16 August 2019, Friday). (4) For those who want to regroup, the maximum number of members is 5, however 6 members is allowed provided it was approved by the adviser. Regrouping is the responsibility of the students concerns - either mixing with Blocks 1 and 2. Lower number of members is also allowed. (5) Each group is encouraged to come-up with a back-up of the second proposal (brief literature review and rationale of the proposal, including objectives), in case the first proposal will not be approved by the Panel during the oral presentation. This should be submitted on the date of the submission of the final proposal by the end of August 2019. (6) Upon submission of the proposals, the recommended/suggested Adviser of the group should be identified. Note that the Adviser should acknowledge the research proposals. (7) All final copies of the research proposals will be collected not later than 29 August 2019. Non-submission will automatically NOT INCLUDED in the schedule for the oral title defense to be set in the first week of September (tentative September 6, 2019). (8) Visit the website on a regular basis. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to bring your concerns during the class or email or post your messages in the course bar link as indicated above. JUST TO REITERATE OF WHAT WE HAVE DISCUSSED during our first meeting this week, please be reminded of the following tasks:
(1) Every student should have an e-copy or hard copy of the Course outline and Syllabus. This will be inspected in the next meeting. (2) Every student should have an e-copy or hard copy of the Research Report Writing Guidebook. This will be inspected randomly every meeting. (3) Every student should read Chapter 1 of the prescribed textbook of Paler-Calmorin and Calmorin (2007). Try to answer the exercises. (4) Every student should have an e-copy or hard copy of the hand-outs. Read and understand the contents of these materials. If you have questions, you can raise them during the class. (5) Handouts #1 and #2 are already available for download. Each of this handout bears the instructions for the Assignments which are due on 19 and 28 August 2019. Visit the course bar link at the top of the website. NOTE: Visit the website on a regular basis! CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION/ATTENDANCE IS ON OR BEFORE 19 AUGUST 2019. PLEASE EMAIL THE DETAILS OF ATTENDEES (NAME AND ORGANIZATION) AT [email protected]
August 2022
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