GREETINGS FROM ROMBLON STATE UNIVERSITY, College of Engineering and Technology (CET). Almost two years that we are exposed to COVID-19 virus and every one is anxious to stay safe and healthy. We should be strong enough to protect ourselves to be infected. Vaccines are already but vulnerable groups are prioritized. However, you still convince adults to be vaccinated despite the short adverse of the shots. COVID IS CURABLE BUT FATAL if it is not given proper health care. People died because of complications. Thus, healthy mind and body is the key to combat this virus. On the other hand, as we progresses to our online classes, please make sure to visit your respective Google Classrooms for all the learning materials and other resources for the subjects your enrolled under Dr. Ramos. In addition, there some new developments for you to explore. These are the following: (just click the images and you will be directed to respective sites. ALWAYS WEAR MASK AND FOLLOW HEALTH PROTOCOLS! KEEP SAFE EVERYONE... RSU I-LEARN PLATFORM (Learning Resource Center) THE RSU OFFICIAL WEBSITE
The Learning Resource Center of RSU finally able to install a system for the online library resources and services for all campuses. The website allows students and faculty to search and download ebooks and other reference materials free of charge. Other featured included in the website are grammarly and plagscan to improve the quality of research reports of students and faculty. Click the image and you will be directed to the website itself. Enjoy browsing! |
August 2022
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