PLEASE CHECK PREVIOUS POST FOR THE DEADLINES AND GUIDELINES for the submission of Chapters 1 and 2. Please be reminded that non-submission of the drafts using the Google Classroom will automatically receive INCOMPLETE GRADE (INC) or for those students who have not complied previous submissions and assignments will be WITHDRAWN (W) from the subject.
ON THE OTHER HAND, THE LAST ASSIGNMENT (#4) instruction is ready for download and this last individual assignment will be due on 30 November 2019. You can submit it to the guard (main gate) but attendance will be checked.
AFTER THE ONE-ON-ONE MEETING LAST WEEK, revise Chapter 2 based on the comments provided to your in first draft submission. Part of Chapter 2 revision, include the definition of terms and the conceptual framework of the proposed study. Just follow the guidebook. The link below is for Chapter 2. For Chapter 1, incorporate the table of contents, list of figures, list of tables (if applicable) to the first draft submission. It is expected that your group incorporates the outputs of your members' answers in the "rationale" of why you propose to conduct the study. Chapter 1 should be submitted separately with Chapter 1 to the link below. Submit the e-files (either pdf or msword format) using the Google classroom as the links reflected above. Note that the hard copies will be submitted together with the copies of the previous submission and the journal articles. Please make sure to include the cover/title page which indicates the group members. REMINDER: It is recommended that your group still need to look for additional journal articles and one (1) thesis relevant to the proposed study. CE 4 RESEARCH: INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT #3: Graphical Presentation using Excel due on 18 Nov11/15/2019 THE INSTRUCTION FOR THE INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT #3 is already available for download. Read the instructions carefully to have high quality or correct/acceptable outputs.
REMINDER: Similarity of submission or copying of answers from other students will automatically mark/receive "zero" point for all students with the same submission. Just staple the assignments using short size bond papers - otherwise with deductions for not following the prescribed submission. GRAD EM200 Methods of Research: Submission of Hardcopies of Chapter 1 on 23 November 201911/15/2019 PLEASE UPLOAD THE E-FILE OF THE FIRST DRAFT OF CHAPTER #1 VIA GOOGLE CLASSROOM while the hard copies will be handed over during class on Saturday, 23 November 2019. The submitted Chapter 2 - Review of Literature will be discussed (one-on-one) in the class as well.
In addition, refer to Handout #6 for writing-up your Chapter 1's Background which discusses the rationale of proposing the research study. There are questions to be answered which eventually be the inputs in writing-up this sub-section of Chapter 1. HAND-OUT #7 is also available for download which covers discussion on Plagscan - the plagiarism software. This will be discussed on the 23rd November 2019. AS DISCUSSED DURING OUR LAST MEETING, each group has to submit the consolidated and updated version of Chapter 2 in Google Classroom's Classwork's link. Please read the instructions carefully. In addition, you start writing-up your Chapter 1: Introduction.
There will be additional information or instruction on this regard particularly, on how to include the "Rationale" in the Background/Introduction section of Chapter 1. Please bear in mind that, there is a need to discuss the current/existing problem/issue that your research proposal needs to solve or address. What is/are the main reason(s) why you propose to conduct the study? REMINDER: Follow carefully the Guidebook in preparation of your proposal. Submit the revised updated version of your consolidated Chapter 2 on or before 10 November 2019. There will be one-on-one meeting with each group to discuss the submitted report. THE SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENT #1 is set on 7 November (Thursday) while Assignment #2 is on 10 November (Sunday) using the Google Classroom through "Classwork" link. Submit either MSWord or Pdf file with proper student name identification (no cover page required). There is a specific section for each assignment to avoid mixed-up of submission. REMINDER: Visit the website 'update' section on a regular basis, including the Google Classroom link for important announcements and schedule of activities. In addition, several reference materials were already uploaded for your readings in preparation for future classes.
NON SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS using the Google Classroom means INCOMPLETE GRADES! As discussed during the class, every group has to comply with the required submission and these submissions will be monitored and graded.
AGAIN, this is expected that Chapters 1-3 were already revised based on the comments from the Panel and following the Guidebook. In addition, only the hard copies of updated Gantt Charts will be submitted with notification (signature) from the adviser on or before November 8, 2019 to the Planning Office; while its e-file through Google classroom. However, the Revised Chapters 1-3 e-file will also be submitted thru Google classroom. Note that the chart reflects the accomplishments done in the past weeks. REMINDER: 07 December 2019 - Final Oral Defense; 04 December 2019 - Submission of manuscripts to the Panel and for plagiarism checking. THERE WILL BE A QUIZ ON 4th November 2019 (Monday). This will cover the topics covered during the orientation of Plagscan held at the Library last 23 October 2019. It is expected that everybody was able to attend the said orientation and signed the attendance sheet. Attendance will be the basis for the additional 5 points to be added to your total quiz score.
REMINDER: Every group (one representative) has to login in the Google classroom website. Non compliance will receive an INCOMPLETE GRADE towards the final assessment. |
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