Hand-out #3 is a summary list of the Philippine Environmental Laws and Regulations. This compliments to your list created in your Assignment #2.
In addition, please ready for a short quiz next meeting, 24 Jan 2018 which covers the common but major laws that fall under GREEN, BLUE, and BROWN category; including the list of internatinal/national environmental events and activities celebrated worldwide. Listed are the links for your reference. http://www.haribon.org.ph/index.php/news/item/271-environment-calendar-2017-save-the-date r2.denr.gov.ph/index.php/89-webpage/382-list-of-nationally-and-internationally-significant-environmental-eventscelebrations Lastly, read the reference material on Republic Act 9003 - National Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. There will be recitation next meeting after the quiz.
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